How to manage counselling when you find talking hard

Woman with long brown hair looks at herself in the mirror and practices self compassion.

How to manage counselling when you find talking hard

We’ve all heard the cliches it’s good to talk, or a problem shared is a problem halved. But how do you manage counselling when you find talking hard? And even if you’re confident chatting about the minutiae of everyday life, really opening up your emotions is different. It can expose you to a whole new … Read more

Book Review: Do Nourish How to Eat for Resilience

I was a little apprehensive as I opened Do Nourish, How to Eat for Resilience by Sarah Bayliss. Although I’ve long been interested in the intersect between optimum nutrition and mental health, I’m also quickly irritated by the sanctimonious attitude that some nutritional experts adopt. I’m exhausted by thoughtless talk about beach bodies, bone broth … Read more

A woman with blonde hair, sitting on her cream sofa with her dog and some candles lit.

Managing your mental health in the winter months

We all know the colder months can be physically hard. Long nights, dark days, permanently hunched shoulders and a house that won’t stay warm. But managing your mental health in the winter months can be challenging too. And not just for those who suffer Seasonal Affective Disorder. Three months of grey skies and hard ground, … Read more

Tall man with brown hair and a moustache and beard looking into the mid-distance as he hugs a shorter woman with dark blonde hair.

Rethinking divorce and separation

Over the past few decades we’ve done a lot of thinking. And most of us have changed our views on smacking children, smoking on top decks of buses and working from the office 5 days a week. And now it’s probably time to rethink divorce and separation. Once considered a massive personal failure, and a … Read more

Woman with long black hair, and a straight fringe, sitting at a table, leans forward slightly to wards the camera.

What you need to know if you’re thinking of starting counselling

Thinking of starting counselling as a way to see in the new year? Excellent. Hopefully your experience will be as fulfilling as mine. Because for me, I went from a brittle, highly strung version of myself, to a calmer one. And then, eventually, a qualified counsellor. I don’t know if your road will be similar … Read more

Book review: Directional Living by Megan Hellerer

Directional Living by Megan Hellerer (pictured) did not exist when I was in my twenties. But had it, I’m confident I could have saved myself a lot of grief throughout  a particularly dire decade. Because I too could have done with some support in getting unstuck, finding career fulfillment and discovering a life that was … Read more

Help, I’m spiraling into depression

Ever experienced life going along normally, nicely even, and then the next day, you’re spiraling into depression and low self-esteem? How did you get here, and is it possible to claw your way back before you reach rock bottom? The answer is yes. You might be plummeting now, but there’s still time to turn things … Read more

The benefits of low self-esteem

Talking about the ‘benefits’ of low self-esteem sounds a little confusing, and even counter intuitive. It’s hard to believe, as you watch your life pass by, that there are advantages to feeling like this. But there are. The fact remains, that low self-esteem comes replete with secondary gains. And it can be these little kickbacks, … Read more

Woman with brown longh

Surviving Christmas after loss or bereavment

Have you had a bleak year, beset with tough times, bereavement, separation? And now, as Santa packs his sleigh, you’re wondering how you’re going to survive Christmas after loss? If yuletide joy feels a reach too far, then please rest assured you’re not alone. There are many of us out there at the moment wishing … Read more

Not Just Mum with its bright pink cover and bold white font is placed on a cafe table, next to a Belgium waffle, complete with cream and fruit on a white plate, and a frothy cappuccino in a white cup.

Book Review: Not Just Mum by Claire Antill

Not Just Mum is the book you need if you’re planning to launch your own business. But still intending to parent a small person too. Because the author Claire Antill, has done just that, and with great success. She’s a mother of three, marketing agency owner and expert in growing small businesses. And now she’s … Read more

Woman with brown curly hair and a striped t-shirt stands against a wall and smokes a cigarette looking sad. This is a stereotypical image of depression and low self-esteem. But actually a perfect faced and high achievements can be just as usual.

Depression and low self esteem

The twin topics of depression and low self-esteem, give most people the shudders. Depression is bad enough alone. But so often it wants to pair up with another funky feeling and double its impact. Depression leaves us bleak inside, and then low self esteem tells us we don’t deserve to feel better. In fact, who … Read more

Asian woman with long black hair, wearing a white sleeveless blouse, touches her ear while listening intently to her friend.

Building self esteem by speaking out

Research has found you can improve your self-esteem by speaking out. Getting comfortable with voicing your opinion, can have a range of wellbeing benefits – from more authentic relationships to lower blood pressure. But although it sounds simple, we all know fearlessly speaking your mind can be far from easy. Especially in a group, where … Read more