Self Esteem Blog

3 steps to easily achieve your goals

I say that wherever you are in the year, is the perfect point to reflect on how you feel.  And, if you’re among the majority of us who made glittering new year’s resolutions back in January, only to find they’ve fallen by the wayside, then don’t worry. There is still plenty of time to get … Read more

Book review: Stronger by Poorna Bell

If I were to say women weightlifters, what would your first reaction be? Because, if like many people, you instantly think ‘unattractive and unfeminine’  then you may want to take your time to read my book review of Stronger by Poorna Bell. Within the 300 pages of Stronger, Poorna makes more salient, incisive points around … Read more

3 ways to manage your moral injury

You’re a good person, right? I bet you’re kind to others, hold doors for strangers and support your friends when they’re having a tough time. So what does managing moral injury have to do with you? Well, have you ever done something so against your values that you struggled to forgive yourself? If so, you … Read more

Book Review: Lifeshocks by Sophie Sabbage

Lifeshocks by Sophie Sabbage packs a punch. Don’t be fooled by the pretty front cover. This book is a powerhouse behind a pastel facade. But first, what exactly is the titular life shock? It’s the, “Unexpected moments that accompany the onset of illness, divorce, redundancy, bereavement or any major challenge.” writes Sophie Sabbage, Lifeshocks author. … Read more

Do dads influence our love life?

Ever just been relaxing with your partner and then become aware his jokes seem oddly familiar? You can’t quite put your finger on it. And then suddenly it’s obvious. He reminds you of your dad. To say it gives you the ick is an understatement. Is it really possible that dads influence our love life? … Read more

Book review: Hunger by Roxane Gay

TRIGGER WARNING: Hunger by Roxane Gay contains multiple mentions of rape. This book review discusses rape, and its ensuing damage, in detail. The first thing that strikes me about Hunger, is how real and raw it is. There is no dressing up the truth . Gay was gang raped at 12 years old. And now, … Read more

What to do when you can’t forgive

Forgiveness, we’re told, is a wonderful thing. It sets us free and supports good health. All spiritual texts agree, forgiveness is the way forward. So what happens when you can’t forgive?Because,quite frankly, forgiveness can sometimes feel impossible. And the effort expended in attempting to forgive can be mentally exhausting. And, whisper it, often futile. A … Read more

Book review: The Beauty of Living Twice by Sharon Stone

In The Beauty of Living Twice, Hollywood actress, Sharon Stone, proves she can also write. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to me, as I once read that she has an IQ of 150. And yet it does. Within Sharon Stone’s autobiography The Beauty of Living Twice, she writes conversationally, authentically and with surprising sensitivity … Read more

Woman holding feathers,.

The danger of toxic positivity

I’d been browsing Facebook for barely a minute, when up popped a toxic positivity post. And not just any ‘turn that frown upside down’ meme. This one went further. It stated that by allowing yourself to feel fear or anxiety, you’ll be attracting more of the same. So you must keep your vibes high! And … Read more

Selfie: self love or self deception?

Would you look at this selfie of me? Aren’t my eyes bright, my skin clear and my brows perfect in their precision?Needless to say, this selfie looks nothing like the real me. The photo was taken using a filter – just one click and the bags, wrinkles, and blemishes I so often bear are gone. … Read more

Women with long blode hair, wearing a straw hat, stands by a white blossom tree and smiles.

The mental health benefits of nature

A new study, published in Eco Psychology, has found that just 10 minutes outdoors a day can provide a significant self-esteem, and wellbeing boost. The researchers analysed studies from the past 30 years, to explore the mental health benefits of nature. Most people are intuitively aware of the mental health benefits of nature. Having personally … Read more