Self Esteem

Anger and self esteem: 3 ways to manage it

If I were forced to choose between feeling angry or sad, I’d opt for anger in an instant. Bring on the red mist, the white hot rage, the blind fury. I prefer the energy of anger. I love its sense of righteousness. The motivation it gives me to get things done, and its currency for … Read more

Woman with young children either side, looking at her mobile and seeming stressed.

The price of perfectionism

Are you buckling under the pressure to be perfect? If so, you’re not alone. Many good women have fallen under the weight of this unfair expectation. There’s an implicit belief that to be loved, to be worthy of praise and acceptance we must excel in all areas of our life. A flawless appearance, cherubic children … Read more

the words self esteem spelt out in scarbble letters on a blue background.

What exactly is self esteem?

Self esteem is such a common term, so frequently bandied about. We speak of it as if we’re discussing this season’s hemline – is yours high, low or unravelling and trailing on the floor? But what exactly is self esteem and what does it mean? I’ve specialised in this area for five years now and … Read more

The secret to self love

Pop superstar, Miley Cyrus has reignited the conversation around self love following the release of her song Flowers. While the tune is as swinging and melodic as you’d expect from Miley, it’s the lyrics which are a masterclass in knowing your worth. In fact Flowers really does contain the secret to self love – which … Read more

How to date and manage your self esteem

Dating should be great fun – meeting new people, getting a bit of romance, pushing your sexual boundaries – whatever you fancy. But all too often the reality is that dating can damage our self esteem. A study by the Western Sydney University found that using swipe based dating apps, such as Tinder and Bumble, … Read more

Post achievement comedown? 3 steps to beat it

Ever gotten something you’ve really wanted? Something you’ve dreamed about, schemed about and worked your socks off for? And then finally when it’s all yours, you feel…nothing. Instead of elation, there’s only numbness, flatness and confusion. That’s post achievement comedown, better known as PAC. And it can be confusing, sad and even scary. If this … Read more

Book review: Know your worth by Anna Mathur

Know Your Worth by Anna Mathur, dives in to the world of self-esteem. And it got me thinking. Which celebrity’s got good self esteem? Could it be Kim Kardashian with her body confidence? Greta Thunberg with her fierce and fearless speeches or Victoria Beckham’s drive and determination? Taking her from Spice Girl to fashion designer … Read more

Simple tips to owning your ambition

Ambition may no longer be a dirty word but as a desirable, female quality it certainly doesn’t feel squeaky clean. I asked my friends what the term ‘ambitious woman’ conjured up for them, and they reported the following: Sigourney Weaver in Working Girl, stiletto heels, Dior Poison perfume and being a bitch to get ahead. … Read more

Dare to embrace your dream? 3 tips to help

Daring to embrace your dream, only to have it snatched away is painful. A proper stomach sinking, tightness in the chest, type painful. For some, the fear of failure will be a block to even attempting to achieve goals. Disappointment just hurts too much. But the truth is, if you have a dream, and the … Read more

3 steps to easily achieve your goals

I say that wherever you are in the year, is the perfect point to reflect on how you feel.  And, if you’re among the majority of us who made glittering new year’s resolutions back in January, only to find they’ve fallen by the wayside, then don’t worry. There is still plenty of time to get … Read more

Book review: Stronger by Poorna Bell

If I were to say women weightlifters, what would your first reaction be? Because, if like many people, you instantly think ‘unattractive and unfeminine’  then you may want to take your time to read my book review of Stronger by Poorna Bell. Within the 300 pages of Stronger, Poorna makes more salient, incisive points around … Read more

3 ways to manage your moral injury

You’re a good person, right? I bet you’re kind to others, hold doors for strangers and support your friends when they’re having a tough time. So what does managing moral injury have to do with you? Well, have you ever done something so against your values that you struggled to forgive yourself? If so, you … Read more