Mental Health

A woman with blonde hair, sitting on her cream sofa with her dog and some candles lit.

Managing your mental health in the winter months

We all know the colder months can be physically hard. Long nights, dark days, permanently hunched shoulders and a house that won’t stay warm. But managing your mental health in the winter months can be challenging too. And not just for those who suffer Seasonal Affective Disorder. Three months of grey skies and hard ground, … Read more

Help, I’m spiraling into depression

Ever experienced life going along normally, nicely even, and then the next day, you’re spiraling into depression and low self-esteem? How did you get here, and is it possible to claw your way back before you reach rock bottom? The answer is yes. You might be plummeting now, but there’s still time to turn things … Read more

A cup of coffee on a white saucer. The decorative foam on the coffee is in the shape of a ghost.

Haunted by bad memories? Here’s how to move on

Haunted by bad memories, spooked by ghosts from the past, screaming in terror at the mistakes of your younger self? Then fear no more. I’ve got the best tips to help you slay those demons, and give you the self-esteem you deserve. 1. Self compassion is your best fiend Self-compassion is simply treating yourself in … Read more

self care tips, cappuccino counselling, mental health, blog

Getting good at self care, because you need to

If you’re going to flourish after a hard time – whether that’s divorce, bereavement, or simply making it through a difficult patch – you’re going to have to get good at self care. But what exactly is self-care? The beauty industry would have you believe it’s an expensive bath oil or luxury facial serum. But … Read more

Riley from Inside out 2, now a teenager.

Inside Out 2: Therapy for adults

As a way to pass the hours on a dull day, my son and I have seen many a mediocre children’s film. Ranging from the sweet, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile, to the quite boring, yet chaotic, Mummies. But Inside out 2 is in a different league. It speaks meaningfully to both adults and children. Opening up … Read more

Three women in a group standing up and laughing in a friendly way together.

Meaningful connection and why it matters

Hands up who wants to improve their mental wellbeing? You’re in luck because, there are so many places to start. You could improve your sleep, see a counsellor or overhaul your diet. But there’s one important factor we consistently overlook in the wellness conversation – and that’s meaningful connection. I’m not sure why this one … Read more

White woman wearing a white vest top with a brown fringe, partly covers her face and looks confused.

I Love mental health, but hate Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental health and I have been happily entwined for most of my adult life. From volunteering at Samaritans aged 21, to becoming a counsellor in my thirties. Because I truly believe having someone to talk to can make a massive, almost immeasurable, difference to mental health. It’s a job I love. But I do not, … Read more

Creating a meaningful Christmas

Christmas can be challenging for so many reasons. Even when life is going along smoothly, the festive season is far from the fun filled love-in we imagine it to be. In fact it can often be laced with fatigue, frustration and family tensions. But even in the midst of this emotional overwhelm, it’s possible to … Read more

Had a rubbish year? 3 tips to surviving the festive season

Christmas comes but once a year, but My God doesn’t it make a big deal of itself? Trumpeting its arrival in shops, TV and magazines from mid October onwards, you’ll have to work hard to miss it. And the lump of coal stuffed at the bottom of the Christmas stocking, is the expectation that we … Read more

The 4 best places for wellbeing in St Albans

Want to enjoy some wellbeing in St Albans, but don’t know where to start? Well, I can help. I’ve rounded up the best places to have a break, take a breather and get back to your old self again. There’s something suitable for everyone – from the boujie, budget-busting Sopwell House to the no-cost sanctuary … Read more

Woman with young children either side, looking at her mobile and seeming stressed.

The price of perfectionism

Are you buckling under the pressure to be perfect? If so, you’re not alone. Many good women have fallen under the weight of this unfair expectation. There’s an implicit belief that to be loved, to be worthy of praise and acceptance we must excel in all areas of our life. A flawless appearance, cherubic children … Read more

Why ‘wellness’ is worsening your anxiety

This week it’s Mental Health Awareness Week 2023, and its theme? Anxiety. We know there are many things which up the ante on our anxiety – driving in rush hour, getting your kids ready in the morning, giving a presentation when you’re not properly prepared. But sometimes there is a double agent. A frenemy, if … Read more