
Help, I’m spiraling into depression

Ever experienced life going along normally, nicely even, and then the next day, you’re spiraling into depression and low self-esteem? How did you get here, and is it possible to claw your way back before you reach rock bottom? The answer is yes. You might be plummeting now, but there’s still time to turn things … Read more

Counsellor Celia Jarvis sits on a pink sofa and has long blonde hair. She is wearing a blue jumper, black trousers and an empathic expression.

What to expect from your first counselling session with me

You’ve dug deep and decided to start counselling. Wonderful. But as the day draws near, you realise you have no idea about what therapy actually entails. What happens at your first counseling session? And is there a way to feel better prepared for it all? Well worry no more. I’m going to put your mind … Read more

A copy of The Power of Closure, which has an orange front cover and contracting white writing. Standing against a white orchid.

Book review: The power of Closure

The Power of Closure by Gary McClain explores the very human craving for closure. The yearning for freedom and acceptance that only this elusive condition can bring. But then he flips it round and asks, is closure really all its cracked up to be? In fact is it even necessary? There was a time in … Read more

photograph of Celia Jarvis a counsellor in a session. She has long blonde hair and is wearing a blue jumper, sitting on a pink sofa with a pink orchid on the table in the background

Myths about therapy

There are so many myths about therapy that I’m often surprised any clients make it on to my couch. Half-baked rumours about what to expect can be anxiety provoking, and deter people from getting the support they need. But September is infamous among counsellors for it’s upsurge in inquiries, especially from people who think they’d … Read more

The sanctimonious therapist and how to avoid her

In a bid to persuade that no counsellor is perfect, I wondered about compiling a long list of all my faults and personal failings. But the truth is, there wouldn’t be enough time or space for it. I have made so many mistakes I could fill a multitude of pages. But this doesn’t mean that I’m not a capable counsellor, or that someone with a blemish free record would automatically be better.

Vlog: How to break up with your counsellor

You thought so carefully about what you wanted in a therapist. Spent days scrolling through counselling directories, picked the professional you imagined you’d work best with, and then began to slowly reveal your innermost thoughts to them. But despite your best efforts, you’ve realised your therapist is ineffective, a bit irritating or just doesn’t get … Read more

counsellor, top tips, woman

Finding a great counsellor in 5 easy steps

Last month I decided to return to therapy, but this time as a client. I started my search feeling optimistic and excited for finding a great counsellor. After all, I’m a trained therapist myself so I knew what I wanted and felt confident I’d find it within the hour. How wrong I was. Three hours … Read more